Вы можете ознакомиться с перечнем изменений и улучшений, реализованными в версии 2006.4
Changes in version 2006.4:
New Components
* New HorizontalLinePrimitive component.
* New VerticalLinePrimitive component. This component can work in traversal mode.
* New RectanglePrimitive component. This component can work in traversal mode.
Changes in Exports of Reports
* Export to dbf (dBase/FoxPro) is added.
* Export to mht (WebArchive) is added.
* Now excel export supports images.
* Now you can create encrypted pdf files with passwords.
* Now underline fonts successfully exports to pdf.
* New rtf export mode – Table.
* Special option of export to rtf - Page Headers and Footers.
* All segmented pages will be divided when exporting.
* Export to xml is fully redesigned.
* Now rtf text exports to pdf as a text. This feature radically decrease size of result files.
* New ExportAsImage property is added to the StiText.
Changes in Charts
* New types of charts - SteppedLine and SteppedLineArea.
* Conditions for each series (Conditions property).
* Sorting of values and arguments with property (SortDirection and SortBy properties).
* Filtering of values and arguments (Filters property).
* Now you can create series automatically.
* New Width for columns and bars property.
* New UseSeriesColor property.
* The Range property for each axis.
* The Step property for each axis.
* Special StiOptions.Print.ChartAsBitmap property.
* Special StiOptions.Engine.RenderChartAsImage property.
* The ProcessAtEnd property for processing charts at end of report rendering.
* New StiSeriesLabels.ShowValue property.
* New StiSeriesLabels.LegendValueType property.
* New StiProcessChartEvent event in chart.
Changes in Web Reports
* New PrintDestination at WebViewer property. This property allows you to select type of printing in web. You can print to pdf file, to popup window or directly to printer.
* New StiWebViewer.HtmlCharSet property. This property allows you to select the CharSet for resulting files.
* New ScrollBarsMode in StiWebViewer property.
* New ShowPageBorders in StiWebViewer property.
* IsImageRequest is obsolete.
New Abilities in Report Preview
* Now you can preview and print reports in dot-matrix mode.
* With new Report.PreviewSettings property you can adjust behavior of Preview Window.
* With new Report.PrinterSettings property you can adjust printer settings.
New in Report Designer
* Intellisense to text expression editor.
* Subscript and superscript to rtf editor.
* New Label Wizard. This wizard helps you create report with labels.
* Fully redesigned UI of filters of databands.
* Fully redesigned UI of sortings of databands.
* Fully redesigned UI System Text Editor.
* Updated standard report wizard.
* Now you can sort items in dictionary.
* Fully redesigned UI of sorting.
* New image editor.
* New StiOptions.Designer.RunWizardAfterLoad property.
New in Data Processing
* Report engine now supports IDictionary.
* Report engine now supports ICustomTypeDescriptor.
* New unique ability – you can create new datasource based on another datasource.
* New database adapter – MySql data adapter.
New in Report Engine
* New system variables: LineRoman, LineABC.
* Conditions – new property for each component. This property helps you adjust quality of components when report rendering.
* New GlobalizedStrings property – this property allows you to fully localize report with special editor for different languages.
* New AutoScale property in BarCodes.
* The StiGroupHeaderBand.SortDirection property. This property adjust sorting of data in groups.
* New ResetPageNumber property. With this property you can reset page number when report rendering.
* The StartNewPage property is added to the HeaderBand and to the FooterBand.
* The CanBreak property is added to the HeaderBand and GroupHeaderBand.
* New StiBarCode.ShowLabelText property.
* New StiReport.SubReports property for printing report which contains other reports.
* The Tag property for the StiReport.
* The StiConfig.Engine.UseGdi32ForTextRendering property.
* Progress bar is added for exporting, saving, loading and rendering operations.
* The StiComponent.PrintOn property.
* Now you can place a cross-tab on a databand.
* The StiPage.PageHeadersFootersFromPrevPage property.
* The StiPage.Watermark.Enabled property.
* Watermark's image is added
* Now variable can contain an image.
* New expression is added to Image – ImageData.
* New property is added to the StiRichText.FullConvertExpression.
* New Function for variable property.
* New Exporting, Exported, Printing, Printed events to a report.
* New ShrinkFontToFit property to the Text component.
* New ShrinkFontToFitMinimumSize property to the Text component.
* New StiReport.ReportCacheMode property.
* Now you can place Crossband anywhere.
* Line for groups is supported.
* Improved work of the ProcessingDuplicates property.
* WYSIWYG property is replaced by new TextQuality property. All old reports will be converted automatically.