Выпущена новая версия StimulReport.Net 1.60
Добавлено: 13 июн 2006, 12:39
Вы можете ознакомиться с перечнем изменений и улучшений, реализованными в версии 1.60
New Components:
- The Chart component is added. This component allows you to output various diagrams. Now the following types of diagrams are supported: Clustered Column, ClusteredBar, Area, Pie, Doughnut, Line, Spline, Spline Area, Stacked Bar, Stacked Column, Stacked Area, Stacked Line, Stacked Spline, Stacked Spline Area, Full-Stacked Column, Full-Stacked Bar, Full-Stacked Area, Full-Stacked Line, Full-Stacked Spline, Full-Stacked Spline Area. In next version we are planning to add new types of charts.
- The LookUpBox control is added. This control allows you to choose a value from the list and substitute it for key. This control can be used in Forms in report.
- The special component for asp.net 2 is added. This component allows you to create the report for Asp.Net 2 in IDE. Also support of all new data sources in Asp.Net 2 is added.
New Abilities in Report Preview:
- Additional ability of export to Excel is added. Excel is not required. It works starting with Office 97.
- Single page and Continuous modes for showing pages in the Window of Preview are added.
- Full-screen mode for showing report is added.
- New function – Send report by E-Mail. This function allows an end-user to export report and send it by E-Mail.
- Right-to-Left mode to Preview Window.
- MultiPages button is updated.
- Zoom control is updated.
New in Report Designer:
- Styles for all components are added. See new property – ComponentStyle.
- Two styles for DataBand – OddStyle and EvenStyle are added.
- Functionality of Style toolbar is changed.
- The GlareBrush type is added for filling components.
- The RichText supports justify.
New in data processing:
- New ability to set parameters in queries is added.
- For Ole Db you may set the connection string using the ConnectionWizard.
New Localizations:
- Localization is fully translated in Romanian.
- Localization is fully translated in Farsi.
New Formats of Saving Reports:
- The mrz format is added for saving reports. When saving a report it is being packed in zip format. This allows you to decrease the file size in 8-10 times. It works in .Net 2 only.
- The mdz format is added for saving reports. This allows you to decrease the file size in 8-10 times. When saving a report it is being packed in zip format. It works in .Net 2 only.
New Properties:
- The new CanBreak property is added to DataBand,Text and RichText. If, on a page, there is not enough space for the component that supports this property then it will be separated into several parts.
- The Report.RemoveUnusedDataBeforeStart property is added. If this property is true then, when connecting to data, all unused data sources are ignored. This allows you do get only needed data.
- The Watermark property is added to the page. This property allows you to control of watermark output.
- New properties in StiText.TextOptions. When you output strings you may control of tabulation.
- New property in StiText.ExcelValue. In this property you may specify value that will be used in data export to Excel.
- The Brush property is added to the page, bands and the container. Now you can set the brush of drawing the background of these components.
- The Border property is added to the band and the container. Now you may set borders of these components.
- The StartNewPageIfLessThan property allows you to control of formation of a new page. This property is added to the DataBand and GroupHeaderBand bands.
- The MergeDuplicates property is changed for the ProcessingDuplicates property. The ProcessingDuplicates property may contain three options: None – do not merge duplicates, Merge – merge duplicates, Hide – hide duplicates. All old reports will automatically be converted.
- Property Shift renamed to ShiftMode. Functionality is widen. All old reports will automatically be converted.
- The Margins property for Text component is added. This property allows you to set margin between the border and the content of the component.
- The SaveMode property is added to the WebViewer webcontrol. It determines that either the whole document or what is seen in the Browser will be saved when pressing the Save button.
Changes in Report Engine:
- The problem of using the “{“ symbol in strings is fixed.
- The problem of using the ManualBookmark in some cases is fixed.
- The problem of loading of a report, which contains the DateTimePicker with some regional settings.
- The problem of getting the list of column when using the stored procedure.
- The behavior of AutoWidth property is updated.
- Incorrect work of color selection in Net.2 properties.
- In some cases the PrintIfEmpty property for the FooterBand band was ignored and the footer had always been output.
Changes in Exports of Reports:
- Hebrew support in the Pdf export.
- European languages support in the Rtf export.
- TextBox: Border color is now exported in the Rtf export.
- Transparent Color is supported in the Rtf export.
- Shapes: a part of primitives can be exported as primitives in Rtf export.
- The functionality of the Export method of the StiReport class is extended.
- The 90 and 270 degrees of the text rotation are supported in html export (for IE only).
- The support of conversion a text into numerals when exporting to Excel. For using this feature you should set the StiOptions.Export.ExcelXml.ConvertNumbers property and set the text format as Numerals or as Currency.
- Support of Arabic numerals in Pdf, Rtf, Html exports is added.
- The StiReport.ExportDocument method is updated. Now export of rendered report from the code is much simpler.
- Export to Html and Excel Xml is improved. Now intersections of components are allowed.
- All assemblies with exports are joined with the Stimulsoft.Report.dll assembly.
- The HtmlExportMode property in the WebViewer is added.
- If you use expressions in variable, you need set the static stiOptions.Dictionary.ExpressionInVariable property in true.
- Default value for the CanGrow property of bands is changed from false to true.
- Change in your code the StiCsvExportService.ExportToCsv method to the StiCsvExportService.ExportCsv method.
- Change in your code the StiExcelXmlExportService.ExportToExcel method to the StiExcelXmlExportService.ExportExcel method.
- Editor.dll renamed to Stimulsoft.Editor.dll. Please, update your references.
- All dll’s Stimulsoft.Export.* removed. Remove references to this dll's.
Stimulsoft Team
New Components:
- The Chart component is added. This component allows you to output various diagrams. Now the following types of diagrams are supported: Clustered Column, ClusteredBar, Area, Pie, Doughnut, Line, Spline, Spline Area, Stacked Bar, Stacked Column, Stacked Area, Stacked Line, Stacked Spline, Stacked Spline Area, Full-Stacked Column, Full-Stacked Bar, Full-Stacked Area, Full-Stacked Line, Full-Stacked Spline, Full-Stacked Spline Area. In next version we are planning to add new types of charts.
- The LookUpBox control is added. This control allows you to choose a value from the list and substitute it for key. This control can be used in Forms in report.
- The special component for asp.net 2 is added. This component allows you to create the report for Asp.Net 2 in IDE. Also support of all new data sources in Asp.Net 2 is added.
New Abilities in Report Preview:
- Additional ability of export to Excel is added. Excel is not required. It works starting with Office 97.
- Single page and Continuous modes for showing pages in the Window of Preview are added.
- Full-screen mode for showing report is added.
- New function – Send report by E-Mail. This function allows an end-user to export report and send it by E-Mail.
- Right-to-Left mode to Preview Window.
- MultiPages button is updated.
- Zoom control is updated.
New in Report Designer:
- Styles for all components are added. See new property – ComponentStyle.
- Two styles for DataBand – OddStyle and EvenStyle are added.
- Functionality of Style toolbar is changed.
- The GlareBrush type is added for filling components.
- The RichText supports justify.
New in data processing:
- New ability to set parameters in queries is added.
- For Ole Db you may set the connection string using the ConnectionWizard.
New Localizations:
- Localization is fully translated in Romanian.
- Localization is fully translated in Farsi.
New Formats of Saving Reports:
- The mrz format is added for saving reports. When saving a report it is being packed in zip format. This allows you to decrease the file size in 8-10 times. It works in .Net 2 only.
- The mdz format is added for saving reports. This allows you to decrease the file size in 8-10 times. When saving a report it is being packed in zip format. It works in .Net 2 only.
New Properties:
- The new CanBreak property is added to DataBand,Text and RichText. If, on a page, there is not enough space for the component that supports this property then it will be separated into several parts.
- The Report.RemoveUnusedDataBeforeStart property is added. If this property is true then, when connecting to data, all unused data sources are ignored. This allows you do get only needed data.
- The Watermark property is added to the page. This property allows you to control of watermark output.
- New properties in StiText.TextOptions. When you output strings you may control of tabulation.
- New property in StiText.ExcelValue. In this property you may specify value that will be used in data export to Excel.
- The Brush property is added to the page, bands and the container. Now you can set the brush of drawing the background of these components.
- The Border property is added to the band and the container. Now you may set borders of these components.
- The StartNewPageIfLessThan property allows you to control of formation of a new page. This property is added to the DataBand and GroupHeaderBand bands.
- The MergeDuplicates property is changed for the ProcessingDuplicates property. The ProcessingDuplicates property may contain three options: None – do not merge duplicates, Merge – merge duplicates, Hide – hide duplicates. All old reports will automatically be converted.
- Property Shift renamed to ShiftMode. Functionality is widen. All old reports will automatically be converted.
- The Margins property for Text component is added. This property allows you to set margin between the border and the content of the component.
- The SaveMode property is added to the WebViewer webcontrol. It determines that either the whole document or what is seen in the Browser will be saved when pressing the Save button.
Changes in Report Engine:
- The problem of using the “{“ symbol in strings is fixed.
- The problem of using the ManualBookmark in some cases is fixed.
- The problem of loading of a report, which contains the DateTimePicker with some regional settings.
- The problem of getting the list of column when using the stored procedure.
- The behavior of AutoWidth property is updated.
- Incorrect work of color selection in Net.2 properties.
- In some cases the PrintIfEmpty property for the FooterBand band was ignored and the footer had always been output.
Changes in Exports of Reports:
- Hebrew support in the Pdf export.
- European languages support in the Rtf export.
- TextBox: Border color is now exported in the Rtf export.
- Transparent Color is supported in the Rtf export.
- Shapes: a part of primitives can be exported as primitives in Rtf export.
- The functionality of the Export method of the StiReport class is extended.
- The 90 and 270 degrees of the text rotation are supported in html export (for IE only).
- The support of conversion a text into numerals when exporting to Excel. For using this feature you should set the StiOptions.Export.ExcelXml.ConvertNumbers property and set the text format as Numerals or as Currency.
- Support of Arabic numerals in Pdf, Rtf, Html exports is added.
- The StiReport.ExportDocument method is updated. Now export of rendered report from the code is much simpler.
- Export to Html and Excel Xml is improved. Now intersections of components are allowed.
- All assemblies with exports are joined with the Stimulsoft.Report.dll assembly.
- The HtmlExportMode property in the WebViewer is added.
- If you use expressions in variable, you need set the static stiOptions.Dictionary.ExpressionInVariable property in true.
- Default value for the CanGrow property of bands is changed from false to true.
- Change in your code the StiCsvExportService.ExportToCsv method to the StiCsvExportService.ExportCsv method.
- Change in your code the StiExcelXmlExportService.ExportToExcel method to the StiExcelXmlExportService.ExportExcel method.
- Editor.dll renamed to Stimulsoft.Editor.dll. Please, update your references.
- All dll’s Stimulsoft.Export.* removed. Remove references to this dll's.
Stimulsoft Team